Furnace Installation in Ballwin
Even with the most arduous maintenance program, your furnace will eventually need to be replaced. While this can be a difficult, time consuming process, having the right HVAC company guiding you along the way can help make it a smooth transition. For furnace installation in Ballwin you can trust, give Classic Aire Care a call today at 314-329-1943 or get a replacement quote online.
When is it Time for a Replacement?
With a new furnace being such a large purchase, it is every homeowner’s desire to get as much time out of their current furnace as possible. However, like any other piece of machinery, your furnace will eventually need to be replaced. But how do you know it’s time for a new furnace installation in Ballwin? Let’s look at some signs that it may be time to replace your furnace:
- You have the repair guy on speed dial: There’s a difference between knowing your repair guy by name and him recognizing your number when you call because you’ve had to call so much. As your furnace gets older, the amount, and costs, of repairs will start to get more frequent. When you start to replace some of the major components of your furnace, the costs definitely start to rise.
If this sounds like your current furnace’s problem, it’s time to consider replacing it. The costs of a new furnace often comes out cheaper than the costs of constant repairs.
- Furnace Age : On average, furnaces generally last between 15-20 years. This number can be larger with the proper maintenance over the years. However, if your furnace is on the higher end of this spectrum, it’s time to start planning a new furnace installation in Ballwin.
- Inconsistent Heating: If you start noticing some rooms aren’t as warm as they usually are, it may be time for replacing your furnace. With the winters around here being unpredictable, an older furnace will struggle to keep up with the production of heat you need, especially when the temperatures drop significantly.
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How to Find the Right Furnace
Oftentimes, deciding to replace your furnace is a more difficult decision than what furnace to replace it with. When you have a team like the one at Classic Aire Care, the process of purchasing and furnace installation in Ballwin is a simple one. Here are a few items we will help you consider when it comes time to purchase a new furnace:
Heating Needs
Over time, your family’s heating needs will change. As a family gets bigger and more people are in the home, you won’t need as much heat from your furnace as you once did. Also, if any renovations or additions are made to your home, your heating needs may be different than they were when you purchased your current furnace. Here are items we will consider when looking at your heating needs and what size of unit you need for furnace installation in Ballwin:
- Square Footage of your home
- Ceiling Height
- Number of doors and windows
- Type and amount of insulation
- Any possible areas where air can escape
When our technician visits your home for the new furnace consult, they will use these items to perform what is called a load calculation. This will tell them what size of a furnace unit you need for your home’s heating needs.
Fuel Type
When it comes to having a new furnace installation in Ballwin, many homeowners will opt to use the same energy source they have been using because they know what to expect in terms of heating costs each month. However, it is possible to change which fuel type you use. For example, if you currently have an electric furnace but want to have a more efficient fuel type, you might consider going with a gas unit. Or vice versa. Though a change in the fuel type may mean extra work in terms of running gas lines or electrical wires, it may be beneficial to have the fuel source you desire.
Warranty and Support
As we’ve already made mention of, a furnace can be a significant investment. This means that having a good warranty program on the furnace you buy will help insure your investment and cover any possible repairs for the warranty period. But it shouldn’t stop there.
You want to use an HVAC company you can trust to give you the support and service following your furnace installation in Ballwin. That’s why many have come to trust Classic Aire Care when purchasing a new furnace system.
Energy Efficiency
While it may not be at the top of the list of things to consider when buying a new furnace, it should definitely be given its proper time. While many modern furnaces have been designed and built with energy efficiency in mind, you want to be sure you’re getting the best you; a furnace with a high energy rating will help pay for itself in monthly energy bill savings.
Furnaces are rated by what is known as Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. In short, this measures how much fuel the furnace uses to create the heat; a high AFUE rating means the furnace uses a smaller amount of fuel to create the same amount of heat. You want to have an AFUE rating of at least 90% for your new furnace.
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Post-Installation Maintenance Tips
Once your furnace installation in Ballwin is Finished, you will want to follow up with a maintenance routine to make sure you get as much life as you can from your new furnace. Your technician will go over the specific steps to take, but here are a few items you’ll want to stay on top of:
- Regular Air Filter Changes:
- Annual Maintenance Visits:
- Keep the Furnace Area Clear:
- Optimize Thermostat Settings:
Classic Aire Care has become the leader when it comes to furnace installation in Ballwin. Whether replacing an old furnace or have commercial heating needs, we can help guide you through the process. Go online for a quote, or call us today at 314-329-1943. With expert installation and regular maintenance, you can enjoy the benefits of a new furnace and increased comfort.